Marketing | Menu Planning

Four Generations, Four Ideas: Appealing to Every Demographic

Aug 21, 2024

Four Generations, Four Ideas: Appealing to Every Demographic

Do generations matter? Is a Gen Z consumer really that different from a Millennial? Arguments for and against the relevance of demographic differences are nearly constant, driven by news headlines focusing on a particular cohort (“Are Millennials the avocado toast generation?”) and generational friction (most recently focusing on Gen Z’s hatred of Millennials’ ankle socks).

But in studying the generations, there are some clear, core truths:

  1. There will always be essential human needs and wants that hold across every generation.

  2. Differences will develop within generations due to shared circumstances, cultural factors, and trends.

  3. Consumers born at the edges of a generational timeframe will share more commonalities with the next-closest generation.

  4. Every generation will have outliers and no single person will be representative of an entire generation.

Understanding the commonalities between generations can ensure that your menu reaches the widest audience while knowing the differences can help you target specific demographic groups. Keeping the four core consumer generations in mind (Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers), here are four ways you can appeal to consumers as you cater to their commonalities while also celebrating their differences:

1. Focus on Flavor and Taste

While it almost goes without saying that spot-on flavor and taste are important across every generation, they’re also important for a different reason: they are food quality cues. Food quality and safety have risen in consumer importance across every demographic in recent years, so they’re often looking for indicators that an operator takes quality seriously. When a dish is thoughtfully created and delivers on flavor, it signals to the customer that the operator takes every aspect of the experience seriously, including quality. Plus, let’s face it, quality and flavor often go hand in hand.

Of course, different generations may prefer different flavors. According to a recent Technomic report, Baby Boomers are more likely to prefer savory and cheesy flavors, Gen X likes tangy and smoky options, Millennials love flavor combos like sweet-and-savory, and Gen Z loves boldly sweet or spicy flavors.1

Put It Into Action: Amp up the flavor with menu options that take taste to the next level, like Maple City® Waffle-Flavored Potatoes, Simple Goodness™ RTE Caramelized-Style Onions, or the entire Simplot RoastWorks® product line, which offer great flavor while saving on labor costs.

2. Make It a Special Occasion

Special occasions have always been important to consumers, but recently, consumers have been finding ways to celebrate even more often as they seek to connect with one another and take their minds off their worries. Now holidays like Halloween and Christmas are starting earlier and earlier (even creating “Summerween” this year), while new holidays like “Friendsgiving” are born.

The need for new occasions and celebrations opens up an opportunity to give consumers fun, unique LTOs that drive traffic and contribute to the overall value proposition. Indeed, while value matters to every consumer demographic, it doesn’t always come down to price, with overall value driven by service (particularly true for Boomers), uniqueness and authenticity (Gen X), portion size and ambience (Millennials), and a combination of combo deals and atmosphere (Gen Z).

Put It Into Action: National holidays and food awareness months and days are a great reason to feature a fun LTO that gets attention and drives traffic. Harvest Fresh® Flavored Avocado Spreads can create a craveable LTO for World Avocado Day in July or National Sandwich Month in August.

3. Staff, Authenticity, Ambience – It All Matters

Creating a complete dining experience that takes into account the atmosphere of a restaurant, the skill and friendliness of the staff, and the authenticity of the brand and menu is important to every demographic, but different generations often focus on different parts of the experience.

According to Technomic1, Baby Boomers want the basics to be met – they care the most about restaurant cleanliness, they want service to be pleasant and friendly, and the overall atmosphere should be welcoming and comfortable.

Gen X takes it a step further, prioritizing the atmosphere and ambience even more while also looking for restaurants that are unique and authentic (this is the MTV Generation, after all).

Millennials are the most likely to say dining at restaurants is one of the top activities that they enjoy with their friends, and they may have their kids with them as well, which means a social restaurant with options for a wide range of people matters to them. Millennials also appreciate technology solutions.

Gen Z needs a real reason to get out of the house and visit a restaurant, with one in four saying they chose off-premise options because the restaurant’s atmosphere was lacking, according to the Technomic study. Entertaining technology and a focus on “vibes” will drive Gen Z.1

Put It Into Action: To reach every generation, it’s essential to focus on the entire experience. Well-trained staff members who are welcoming, a fun and inviting atmosphere, opportunities to connect and socialize, a reason to get out of the house, and well-designed tech integration for younger generations will create the total package.

4. Craveability is Key

There is one central theme that cuts across every generation – craveability is key. While innovative new products may drive new traffic, craveability keeps them coming back for more. Indulgent flavors, classics with a twist, and customer favorites offer crave-worthy opportunities to drive customer loyalty.

Indeed, Gen X is the generation that is most likely to choose a specific restaurant because they wanted to satisfy a craving. While there are many foods and flavors that are craveable across demographics, there are nuances from generation to generation. Boomers may be looking for more indulgent flavors, Millennials may want craveable options that lean a little healthier, and Gen Z often wants bold, sweet, or spicy flavors in a traditional format.1

Put It Into Action: Options like BBQ Chicken Pizza, Cheesy Guacamole Fries, a Wholesome Breakfast Veggie Bowl, or Brazilian Churrasco Sandwiches all pack in a craveability factor that can win across demographics, but have ingredients or flavors that can reach specific generations you are looking to target, as well.

While generational differences undeniably shape consumer preferences and behaviors, the essence of meeting customer needs remains constant across all age groups. Recognizing and addressing the core elements of flavor, special occasions, overall dining experience, and craveability allows for a strategy that respects generational nuances while leveraging universal desires. By offering high-quality, flavorful dishes, creating memorable dining experiences, and ensuring a compelling atmosphere, businesses can cater to the diverse tastes of Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers alike. Understanding and embracing these generational distinctions—not as rigid boundaries but as guidelines for deeper connection—can enhance engagement and loyalty across the spectrum of today’s consumers.

1 Technomic, The Consumer Big Picture, 2024